Change Manager or Position

Select the employee that has had a manager or position change.

Click Edit the employee’s profile next to the “Review Sets” header to change the employee’s manager or position.

When changing an employee’s manager, you will be presented with three options on how to proceed with the current review:

  • Cancel: If the document is in the Scoring phase, any evaluating data (i.e., rating selections) will be lost. Please click with caution. Goals and Notes will be retained.
  • Leave: The evaluating data will be retained if the document is in the Scoring phase. The employee will be moved to the new manager upon an archive of the current review document. Goals and Notes will be retained.
  • Reassign: If the document is in the Scoring phase, it will retain any rating data but attribute it to the new manager.

Save your changes when done.

Changing an Employee’s Position

When changing an employee’s  position, you will be presented with two options choices on how to proceed with the current review:

  • Cancel: If the document is in the Scoring phase, any evaluating data (i.e., rating selections) will be lost. Please click with caution. Goals and Notes will be retained.
  • Leave: The evaluating data will be retained if the document is in the Scoring phase. The employee will be moved to the new Position upon an archive of the current review document. Goals and Notes will be retained.

Save your changes when done.

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