Adding N/A to a Rating Scale

Why provide a Not Applicable option on a rating scale?

If a competency isn’t applicable to some employees, adding an N/A option on a rating scale is a way to let them know that they aren’t required to score themselves in this area. This is great for when there may be one or two competencies that apply to certain individuals but not the entire organization.

If a competency is not applicable to all employees (ie: a leadership-related competency for a person who is not in a leadership role, or if a person is too new to their role to be assessed) or if a goal becomes deprioritized, it may be prudent to enable the N/A option. If N/A is selected during the Score phase, that element will not have any impact towards the overall score. 

  1. Log in to Trakstar Perform. Select the Forms tab from the Navigation Bar and choose Rating Scales.

  1. Click Edit to make changes to the Rating Scale

  1. Check the box for Allow N/A ratings? and then click Save Changes to Rating Scale to reflect the change made.

NOTE: Remember that by changing a rating scale, you may be altering the choices respondents have had available if Reviews are in the scoring mode. For example, if Employee A completed an appraisal on Monday, and the Trakstar Perform Admin adds the N/A choice to the rating scale on Wednesday, then employees that score Reviews after the changes will have had the advantage of an additional choice on the rating scale. Please be cognizant of this when making the above change.

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