See an Employee’s Past Reviews

As a manager, you have the ability to refer back to your employees' past reviews at any time. In order to access this, you can select the drop down for the Reviews tab and click into the Archived tab.

Here, you will be able to see some different details regarding each archived review, such as the Position the employee was assigned to, the specific archive date for that review, the score (if any), and more!

Towards the top-right corner, you can select between viewing only your direct reports or seeing the archived reviews of all subordinates! This will reflect your direct reports plus any employees that are further down within your organization chart.

If you're needing to review one of the past archived reviews, you can select the name of the employee, which will take you into the review itself.

You will also have the ability to pull a PDF copy of the review as needed by selecting the More button in the top-right corner of the review. This will populate the option to View PDF.

Want to take a quick look an an employee's last review while you are scoring their current review?

Click the current review title under Review from the top header, and select from all reviews this employee has completed.

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