Trakstar Perform's Competency Library

Whenever your system is set up in Trakstar, you are provided with a Competency Library of one hundred pre-developed competencies. These competencies have been created based on years of research and through the study of common competencies that other organizations use.

To learn more about this competency library and how to access it, you can view the video or written steps provided below.

To locate your competency library, select the dropdown arrow of the Forms tab to the left of your screen. You will then select into the Competencies tab.

Here, you will be able to view all of the competencies that exist in your library. If there are competencies that your company uses that are not part of the competency library, you can create as many competencies as you need. To do this, you can select the orange Add Competency button located in the top-right corner of the competency library screen.

If you need to edit the title, description, or rating scale of any current competencies, you can do so by selecting on the name of the competency. Doing so will take you into the competency so you can make any necessary adjustments.

When a new competency is created or when you select into a current competency, you may notice the Coaching Tips tab listed at the top of the competency page. Coaching tips are optional, but they can be useful to prompt conversation between the employee and manager during a review cycle.

For any questions about your competency library, contact us at! We're happy to assist with any questions you have.

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