Editing 360-Rater Requests as an Administrator

*360-Rater is an advanced feature that may not be available in some legacy Trakstar Perform sites. Please contact perform@trakstar.com if you have questions about adding 360-Rater to your account.

Article Description: Trakstar Perform allows administrators to make changes to 360-Rater feedback in both individual and bulk edits. Individual edits are handy if a manager isn’t able to complete a 360-Rater feedback request, and bulk edits are great if 360-Rater feedback needs to be requested from a large number of employees or if many 360-Raters need to be reminded to complete their rating. From the Reviews tab an administrator can take bulk or singular actions or make edits to a review’s 360-Rater requests.

Single Review Updates

Step One: Select the review you wish to review or update from the Reviews tab under ‘Scoring’.

**New - Setting 360-Rater Due Date: Go to your Processes menu. Select which process this review is aligned with and go to Schedule. Look under the Deadlines section to find the '360 Rater Review Due by:' to adjust your due date.

Step Two: Review work to date or request 360-Rater(s) on behalf of the manager.

Note: When re-requesting feedback, an optional field will show up, providing a way to communicate a reason for re-requesting this feedback. 360-raters will clearly know what should be changed before submitting again.

Bulk Appraisal Updates

Step One: Select the appraisals you wish to edit by checking the box on the left hand side of their row. You can also select all appraisals using the box at the top of the column. Click ‘Bulk Edit’ in the top right of the page.

Step Two: Scroll to the Multi-Rater section of the bulk edit area. Select your update.

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