What is the Welcome Email and how can I send it?

What is the Welcome Email?

The Welcome Email resets the user’s password and sends them an email containing their login details (including their temporary password).

There are a few times when you may want to send out a Welcome Email, such as:

Did you know you can customize the Welcome Email?  Learn more here!

Using Mitratech HQ? Some parts of your experience may differ from this article. Learn more here!

Sending the Welcome Email to a Single Employee

Log in as an admin, and navigate to Employees > Active.  Select the employee you’d like to send the email to.

From their profile, click on Send Welcome Email.  You'll be able to see the last time a Welcome Email was sent here as well.

The Welcome Email will then be sent to the employee.

Sending the Welcome Email in Bulk

Log in as an admin, and navigate to  Employees > Active.  Check the box next to each employee you’d like to send a Welcome Email. Click Bulk Edit.

Scroll down to the Send Welcome Email section, and click on Send Welcome Email.

The Welcome Email will then be sent to all selected employees.

Note: If you have SSO enabled, we highly recommend editing the Welcome Email before sending it to your employees - otherwise, it will include non-relevant information about their login name and password.  You can learn more about editing the Welcome Email - and all emails! - here.  We suggest the following text:

Hello {{recipient_first_name}},

Your Trakstar Perform account has been created or updated. Single Sign-On (SSO) has been enabled for your account.

Follow this link to get started now - you'll enter COMPANY NAME and then choose "Click here to log in with your SSO provider": {{login_link}} Thanks,


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