Admin Quick Start Guide

Ready to get started with Perform?  This quick start guide has an overview of everything you'll need.  Want to learn more? Click here!

Need a bit of help logging in and navigating the system? Click here.

Using Mitratech HQ? Some parts of your experience may differ from this guide. Learn more here!

Administrator Dashboard

The Administrator Dashboard has an at-a-glance overview of various tasks, to-dos, and details in your Trakstar Perform account.  The look of your dashboard may be slightly different than this view, depending on your account setup.

1. Total Active Employees

2. Number of reviews past due

3. Days until your next due date or days since your last due date

4. Active reviews, including review state (Goals & Notes, Scoring, etc.)

5.  Active self-reviews, including status (Progress, Submitted, and Overridden)

6. 360-Rater Requests, including status (Progress, Declined, and Submitted)

7. What's New Column, with important invites & updates from the Perform includes important Invitations and Updates from Trakstar Perform

8. Statistics about actions your users have taken over the last thirty days.

9.  Number of reviews archived over the last thirty days.

10. Activity-based on user roles in Perform over the last thirty days.

Editing Employee Information        

To begin, confirm you are in the administrator view by clicking on your initials/profile photo in the top right corner of your account.

From the employee's profile, click Edit in the top right corner.

You can edit their name, employee number, email address, username, and date of hire from the employee's profile. You can also change their password, update their user roles (such as making them a manager), and update their groups (location or department, for example).

Once your updates have been made, be sure to click Save.

Editing Review Information

Editing a Review Set allows you to update an employee's manager, position, base date, and process.  

Perform will ask you what you want to do with the current review when updating the manager or position. If you select Cancel, you will lose the scoring data that has been entered - but retain goals and notes entered up to that point.  If you select Leave, you will retain the scoring data and move the employee to the new manager or position after this review cycle.

If you are updating the manager, you will also have the option to Re-Assign the document to retain the scoring data and associate it with the new manager.

Bulk Editing Employee Information  

Select the employees you'd like to edit from the Employees tab by ticking the box next to their name.  Click on Bulk Edit from the top right.      

Click the arrow next to each section to expand it, update the desired information, and Save once complete. The changes will be made for all employees you have selected.

Pro Tip: This Bulk Edit option allows you to resend the Welcome Email in bulk!    

Logging in as an Employee

From an employee's profile, click on Log In As User. Log in as User allows you to proxy in as this user and take actions on their behalf.  Perform tracks that you are taking these actions in the company log.

Ready to log out of the employee's view?  Click on Return as Your Name in the upper right corner or click the employee's initials/profile photo to return to your administrator's view.

Pro Tip: Use this tool to troubleshoot your employees' questions - it allows you a sneak peek of what they are seeing and can help you walk them through their exact next steps.

Overview of Reviews

Access these options via the Reviews tab of the navigation bar.

A future review is an ability for a manager or employee to set goals in the future while their current review is still open. Future reviews can be created by managers and employees themselves when they click into the Future tab of their review. The future review will appear on their home screen once they have clicked into the Future tab. A list of all populated future reviews will appear here.

Goals and Notes

This list includes all reviews currently in the Goals and Notes phase of the review life cycle. The reviews cannot be evaluated, but the employee and manager can take notes and set goals during this period. You can sort by any of the columns, including the due date, to see whose evaluations are coming up.


This review list shows you all reviews currently open for scoring. This can include past-due reviews. This page will also indicate the progress of each step in the Review Process.


This list includes all Archived reviews.  Archived reviews are considered finalized documents. Archived reviews can be viewed by the employee and their manager for reference.  An admin can only unarchive archived reviews to return them to a state where further edits or changes can be made.

Scoring Review: Status Report & Reset Guide


What is a process? Processes are the rules each review must follow. These rules can include the routes for approval, schedule, or the option for a self-review.  Different sets of rules will require different processes.

Let's go over the tabs in the Process section and what each setting means.



This setting allows the employee to add and edit their own goals. By default, managers can add and edit goals in Perform as long as there is a Goals section on their employee’s review.

Scoring Review

This setting dictates if the employee self-reviews are enabled, and the managers can override their employees' self-reviews.

360-Rater Feedback

This setting turns on and off the ability for managers to request feedback from other users inside and outside the organization. The option to globally anonymize 360-rater feedback here anonymizes this kind of feedback even to Site Administrators.

Route for Approval

We have four options under route for approval. Make sure to select the one that will work best for your process.

Auto Archive

Perform offers an automatic archive of documents once all required steps are completed.


Note: Adjusting due dates under the Schedule tab will affect reviews in the future - it will not update or makes changes to any currently assigned reviews.  If you want to adjust dates for current reviews, you can do so in the Reviews tab.

Base Date vs. Specific Date,

Base Date: This type of schedule tells the system to create the next due date relative to an employee's Base Date (typically the date of hire), such as the anniversary of their hire date.

Specific Date: This type of schedule allows you to set a focal point in the year when everyone has their reviews, such as every quarter within the calendar year.

One-time vs. Recurring.

One-time: These dates will only ever happen once in your schedule, such as a ninety-day preliminary review - a one-time occurrence in your schedule.

Recurring: According to the rules you outline, these dates will continue indefinitely.


Signatures allow space for a signature on the hard copy of the review.  This is often used when a manager will print out the review and have the employee sign it.  If you plan to keep your review process online, you may want to set up additional approval routes to include an employee acknowledgment and remove all the signature lines on this page.

You can customize the description for each signature line as needed for your organization and add additional signature lines.

Score Formatting

The Score Formatting page allows you to set how the overall score will be shown to employees and managers. 

These options include:

  • Numeric: The overall score is an average on a scale from one (the lowest) to your chosen number (the highest), with a select number of decimal places.
  • Reverse: Like Numeric, the scale displays one as the highest option.
  • Percent: The overall score is shown as a percentage, with a select number of decimal places.
  • Hidden: The overall score calculation is hidden.  Hidden scores are calculated for reporting purposes, but the score is not shown to the manager or the employee.
  • Range: The employee will receive a word description based on their overall score.  You can set the ranges and word descriptions.  The range can be used in conjunction with any of the other score formatting

Pro Tip: Your choice for Score Formatting should reflect your rating scales in the Forms tab. Using a five-point rating scale, you should mirror that in your final score formatting. This could be by selecting a Numeric rating out of five or selecting a Range and having the word descriptors match the rating scale. 

Company Settings

Login Name

Your employees use this unique identifier to log in to Perform.  Employees will need to remember this to log in, so we recommend keeping it simple!

Full Name

This is the full name of your company that will appear at the top of the login and welcome screen for your employees.

Time Zone and Locale

This setting outlines the global time zone and format for time and date. This can be adjusted individually on an employee’s profile for remote employees.

Company Logo and Branding

You can upload a company logo to be used through Perform and the PDF versions of the review.  You can also adjust the Branding in your Perform system to display your own logo when the employee is logged in.  By default, this will be the Trakstar Perform logo.

Email Notifications

This setting allows you to enable and disable notifications for your entire account.  This controls whether Perform can send emails to your users.  The only email that will go out when this is disabled is the Welcome Email for new users with their login information.

Email Reminders

This setting dictates the time of day that email reminders are sent. This setting only applies to reminder emails and does not control when action-based or event-based emails are sent. Event-based emails are triggered based on action, such as when an employee completes their review, when the scoring window opens, when someone adds a goal, etc.

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