Changing Process Dates

When your review schedule changes or you want to shift to a different review schedule (such as annual or semi-annual), you'll need to update the process dates of your cycles.  This allows you to change the frequency and deadlines of future reviews.

You can update the frequency of your reviews from the Processes tab, from within the navigation bar on the left.  Once there, click on Edit next to the process you'd like to update.

Once you are editing the process, go to the Schedule tab.  This is where you can change the frequency of the review, via the Schedule and Deadlines.  


This portion of the schedule will determine how often a review is created and when the archive date of the review is.  Reviews will follow this schedule once the current review is completed and archived.
The schedule allows you to set the frequency of the review - that is, how often a review is created, and what the archive date will be.  Reviews will follow this schedule once the current review has been completed and archived.

You can choose between two options for the frequency of your reviews: 

  • Base Date: The archive date is based on the base date field in the Employee ProfileThis aligns with the employee's anniversary date instead of a set time of year (see the screenshot below - Toby's review set would archive on April 8 every year, based on his base date).
  • Specific Date: You set an exact date you'd like the review to archive.

NOTE: Updating the archive date in the Specific Date field will not automatically update the archive date of current reviews.  The changes applied here will only apply to reviews after the current cycle. You can learn more about updating the archive date of current reviews in bulk here.


The Deadlines section determines when a process will open for scoring and what due dates will be set for the employee and manager portions of the review.

New: Admin can now set the Due Date for 360-Rater Feedback.

These dates are calculated based on the archive date of the review.  You will see a sample of the various deadlines displayed at the bottom, so you can see, at a glance, what your future reviews will look like.

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