360 Rater Feedback Deep Dive: For Managers

360 Rater Feedback is a tool to gather additional feedback from employees, Managers, and outside respondents on your direct report. In this article, we will do a deep dive on how to assign 360 raters, and how to share the feedback from those respondents with your direct report.

You can only assign 360 rater feedback when the review is in the Scoring phase of the review cycle. This is indicated by the “Score Review” button next to the names of your direct reports.

Inviting 360-Raters

To select 360 raters, click on the little carrot next to Score Review for your chosen direct report. Then choose Manage 360-Raters.

This will bring you to the employee’s review timeline. You have visibility over any goals and notes that have been added throughout the year, whether or not the Self-Review has been completed, and access to your own Manager Review of your employee. Selecting Manage 360-Raters from your Manager Homepage brings you directly to the 360-Rater Feedback screen along that timeline.

Trakstar Perform offers the ability to allow employee-suggested 360-Raters as well as administrator-prompted groupings of 360-Raters.

✅If your administrator has allowed employees to suggest 360-Raters to their managers, suggestions by employees may include a reason why they are suggesting a colleague to review them. This can  help you decide if you want to accept that feedback or dismiss the suggestions. The employee will not be notified if the suggestion is accepted or dismissed. 

Suggestions may come with a reason. Employees can tell you why they want a colleague to review them, which can help you decide if you want that feedback.

Once you have decided which individuals you want to provide feedback on your employee, add them to a Group, listed below the suggestions.

You can also choose additional reviewers to provide feedback, and add them to a group.

If you work with outside contractors or consultants, you can get feedback from them too! You can choose Request Outside 360-Rater Feedback, and will simply need to add their contact information and assign them to a group. They will receive a link to complete the evaluation - no Perform account required!

👋 Important! Once you have added all appropriate 360-Raters, you must select Save 360-Raters at the bottom of the screen - requests will not go out until you save them. The gray circles beside the reviewers’ names will become orange, and this indicates that the request for feedback has gone out. If necessary, you can remove that person from the group. If you are waiting on feedback from a particular individual, you can remind them to complete their evaluation.

After each feedback review is submitted, you will get an email notification. A green check mark indicates that all 360-Raters have finished their evaluations. You can begin working on the Manager review at any time, but it is best practice to wait to submit for Approval until all 360-Rater Feedback and the Self-Review are completed, but you can Send for Approval with outstanding feedback requests if desired.

Copying Comments to the Review

Once all feedback has been submitted, you are able to see who said what about this employee, as well as the employee’s self-evaluation, by hovering your mouse over the Rating Scale. If 360-Raters left comments, you can add them by selecting Copy to Comment, and edit or anonymize. These comments and ratings will not be viewable to the employee unless you choose to share them.

Please refer to this Support article with further detailed instructions on how to share 360-Rater Feedback with your employee.

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