Engagement Surveys - eNPS

Engagement surveys are a powerful tool that can be used as a practical way to check the pulse of your employees, prioritize upcoming initiatives, or even as part of a retention strategy. Engaged employees are happier, healthier, and more productive in what they do.

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Understanding and monitoring your employees' satisfaction and engagement is crucial for fostering a positive workplace environment and driving organizational success. The Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey offers a straightforward yet effective way to gauge employee sentiment. This guide will walk you through the essential steps and benefits of implementing the eNPS survey in your organization.

Understanding the eNPS Survey

The eNPS survey delivers a single, proprietary question that is shared across all organizations that use it: "How likely are you to recommend your company as a workplace?" Respondents answer on the same 0-10 rating scale, providing a clear metric to assess employee sentiment towards the company. Because the question and response scale are the same wherever this survey is used, you can evaluate your performance relative to any organization that uses eNPS.

When creating an eNPS survey in Perform, you’ll find that the survey question and scale are not editable. This is to ensure that the question is consistent with how the survey was originally designed by Bain & Co., and to maximize ease of use and consistency in reporting.

When preparing to deliver the survey, it defaults to a quarterly recurrence and an anonymous response collection. These settings can be changed, but maintaining anonymity helps promote honest feedback, while a quarterly cadence makes this simple question an easy way to monitor trends.

We are currently working to add support for eNPS surveys in our expanded Engagement Reporting Dashboards. This new dashboard will be coming soon, and in the meantime, please take advantage of the survey-level reporting once a survey has been sent.

Benefits of the eNPS Survey

  1. Tracks Employee Satisfaction and Engagement: By regularly measuring how likely employees are to recommend your workplace, you can keep a pulse on overall satisfaction and engagement levels.
  2. Identifies Areas for Improvement: The eNPS can help pinpoint areas where your organization may need more effort or resources to enhance the employee experience.
  3. Facilitates Strategic Planning: Insights from the survey can guide decision-making processes, helping you prioritize initiatives that foster growth opportunities, supportive leadership, and a positive work culture.
  4. Monitors Impact of Initiatives: Changes in your eNPS score can indicate the effectiveness of measures taken to improve employee satisfaction and engagement over time.

Implementing the eNPS Survey

1. Prepare and Communicate: communicate the purpose and importance of the survey to your employees. Ensure they understand how their feedback will be used to make meaningful improvements.

2. Distribute the Survey: Choose a method that makes it easy for employees to participate and ensures their responses are anonymous, encouraging honest feedback.

3. Analyze the Results: Assess the distribution of scores to get a sense of overall employee sentiment. Pay close attention to the drivers behind both high and low scores.

4. Act on Feedback: Use the insights gained from the survey to implement targeted improvements. Sharing the results and planned actions with your employees is essential to close the feedback loop.

The eNPS survey is a powerful tool for gauging and enhancing employee satisfaction and engagement. By understanding how likely your employees are to recommend your company as a workplace, you can make informed decisions that contribute to a more positive and productive organizational culture. Regularly measuring and acting on eNPS feedback is vital to achieving sustained employee engagement and organizational performance improvements.

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